Civil Streets & Respect

I was really heartened to get an email from an advocate in the Bay Ridge neighborhood of Brooklyn.  They’re looking to make the streets safer for pedestrians– especially mothers with kids.  They want to buy some stickers.  There are two really cool things about it:

1. I wanted this site to be truly multi-modal and not linked to any particular geographic area. The Bay Ridge folks are concerned about speeding traffic and I’m concerned about the public image of bicyclists and this site works for both of us.  At it’s roots this is about treating each other better.  With respect.

2. The second cool thing is that they asked if we had a poster that they could ask shops to post in windows.  Great idea!  The idea of the sticker was to post it on bikes, bags and strollers– be small enough to be cool and large enough to see.  The beauty of the poster is that anyone could print an 11 X 17 and hang it in a store window.  Low cost/ effective.  What’s not to like.

In the next week or so, we’ll upload a poster that you can use

About mark

Urban Planner
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